Nov 22, 2010

Uric Acid analysis

the gout disease symptoms:
pain in the feet (usually at the corm of the foot) increases after wake up .
pain in the large finger of the foot.

if the patient have this symptoms and the UA analysis result is normal he must take the drug of gout disease.


1. Put 1 ml of the uric acid reagent in each of two small test tubes.

2. Withdraw 20µ of serum by micropipette and put them in one of the two tubes and sign it as test tube .
3. Withdraw 20µ of uric acid standard and put them in the other tube and sign it as standard tube .
4. Leave the two tubes in water bath for 5 minutes or in room temperature for 10 minutes .
5. Use the wave length 546 nm for measuring.
6. Put the standard and record the reading then put the tested serum and record the reading.

[The reading of test / The reading of standard ] * conc. of UA standard (usually 6 or 5 mg/dl) .

Normal values:
♂ : 3.4 – 7.0 mg/dl
♀ : 2.4 – 5.7 mg/dl

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